
Are you known for organizing and motivating others, your vision, or your ability to problem solve? 把你的激情和敢为人先的精神投入到管理事业中去.
在GMercyU的管理学学士学位课程, you’ll master the skills needed to become a successful leader in any industry.
你将学习人力资源方面的课程, 组织理论, 以及风险管理——以及涵盖利基领域的专业课程, 比如小企业管理, e-business, 或者体育管理——为你理想的职业生涯做准备.

More than 1.预计到2032年,每年将有100万个管理工作岗位. 2022年,该领域的平均年薪为107360美元, 根据美国劳工统计局的数据.


Program Details

通过攻读MBA提高你的就业能力和收入潜力. 与GMercyU的独特  4 +1 MBA,  平均绩点达到3分的学生.0 or higher can earn both a bachelor of science degree in management and a master’s degree in business administration (MBA) in just five years.

Skip the grad school entrance exams by taking graduate credits during your senior year – as part of your undergraduate tuition – and then seamlessly complete your MBA the following year.

杰出学院奖Organizations of all sizes depend on effective management to ensure their operations run as efficiently as possible. Today’s business leaders are skilled in management techniques and are responsible for boosting employees’ morale, motivation levels, and productivity. At GMercyU, you’ll learn proven management techniques while developing a future manager’s skills in communication, problem-solving, 批判性思维.


  • 全面的课程要求 prepare our students for possible careers in large corporations or small businesses.
  • The ability to 专攻某一特定行业:人力资源、风险管理、体育管理、电子商务等等.
  • 协助学习专业知识 实习职位 与本地知名公司合作. (所有管理专业的学生都需要实习.)
  • GMercyU’s state-of-the-art facilities, including a financial trading room equipped with a 实时股票行情.
  • GMercyU’s 格里芬学生领导学院, where you can develop effective leadership skills to make a positive impact on your community.
  • 经验丰富的教师(没有助教)!) 谁能从董事会而不仅仅是课堂上了解商业.
  • 小班教学-我们的低10:1的学生与教师的比例确保了充足的 来自教授的个人关注、支持和指导.
  • 出国留学机会 给你一个有价值的全球视野.
  • 丰富而宝贵的课外活动 networking events 在你的GMercyU体验中. 
  • The Griffin Edge will help you connect the dots between your GMercyU experiences and your future aspirations, 这样你就可以在未来的工作面试中取得好成绩,开启成功的职业生涯. 了解更多摆脱电子游戏mg官方网站格里芬边缘下面. 

除了通识教育的要求, 作为管理专业的学生,你需要完成以下课程:

先决条件- 15学分

ACC 105 会计原理1
ACC 106 会计原理2
BUS 101 Business Theory
ECN 102 Microeconomics
ECN 103 Macroeconomics

管理核心- 30学分

ACC 301 管理会计
BUS 207 市场营销原理
BUS 230 Business Law
BUS 214 Business Ethics
BUS 209 商业统计I
BUS 310 金融学原理
BUS 318 运营管理
BUS 212 国际业务
BUS 340 商业统计II
BUS 4000 研讨会:商业政策 & Strategies

管理- 21学分

BUS 205 管理学原理
BUS 441 实习要求
BUS 211 货币银行及金融研究所
BUS 312 Managerial Finance
BUS 313 Investments
BUS 314 国际金融
BUS 324 Derivatives
BUS 319 采购与合同
BUS 320 小型企业管理
BUS 350 体育管理原理
BUS 351 Sports Marketing
BUS 352 体育商业与金融
BUS 353 Sports Law
BUS 354 体育运动管理
BUS 355 设施管理
BUS 373 劳工及劳资关系
BUS 375 Risk Management
BUS 376 Employee Benefits
BUS 377 培训及发展
BUS 381 组织理论与行为
BUS 410 网络营销与管理
BUS 421 Corporate Studies
BUS 437 专题(经指导老师批准)
BUS 438 社交媒体营销


Increase the value of your 市场学学士学位 degree by adding an 本科小 这最能满足你的个人和职业目标.

With an emphasis on fundamental business principles like managerial accounting, risk management, 商业统计, GMercyU's bachelor’s in management degree program prepares you to thrive in any business setting.

Here’s a peek at just a few of the courses you could take as a Management major at GMercyU.

This course is designed to introduce students to the management issues faced by administrators within collegiate and high school athletics departments. 学生将对治理等问题有所了解, scheduling, NCAA和会议合规, 性别平等和教育法第九条, 会议成员问题, 部门结构, 以及体育运动的组织目标, legal issues, 以及操作程序.

本课程探讨了体育管理者在设计中的作用, operation, 以及体育设施的融资. Students will examine the issues pertaining to management of public and private arenas, stadiums, 和多用途设施. Management of temporary facilities for special events will also be considered.

本课程将包括考虑福利的历史, 健康保险及其问题, 其他福利选择, 员工福利计划的管理和评估. 学生将被要求完成一篇研究论文, 进行案例分析, 参与课堂讨论.

有关所有管理课程的描述,请参阅 本科目录.


Position: Assistant Dean of School of Business and Education; Associate Professor and Program Coordinator, 管理和金融专业
Did You Know? Dr. Harper has 20 years of management experience and has published more than 15 peer-reviewed articles.
Read bio

Margaret Rakus
Assistant Professor and Program Coordinator, Digital Communications and Marketing programs
Did You Know?
Dr. Rakus在市场营销和公共关系方面担任过行业职位. She holds certifications in Tableau, Hootsuite, Google Analytics, Google AdWords, and more.
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Melissa Dennis
Did You Know?
Dr. 丹尼斯为一家公司工作了15年  迪士尼乐园,体验和产品  在客户关系和客户参与方面, 支持迪士尼乐园, Disneyland, 迪士尼度假俱乐部, 以及迪士尼邮轮业务.
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Maddie Herman, MsEd
Maddie Herman, MsEd
讲师和项目协调员, Sport Management
Did You Know?
赫尔曼曾在费城76人队和富国银行中心工作, 并负责校内和娱乐项目.
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Luigi Corrado, Jr., CPA, MT
Position: 会计学实践教授和项目协调员
Did You Know? Professor Corrado spent nearly 20 years in the accounting industry as a financial statement auditor, 公司的控制器, 还是多家公司的高级顾问.  
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Griffin Edge由五个触点组成——卓越, Engagement, Experience, Empathy, 和鼓励——这些会成为你人生的基石 独特的慈悲体验 作为一名全日制本科生.

The Griffin Edge includes an e-portfolio for documenting your GMercyU educational and extracurricular experiences (no matter your major), 反思这些经历, 并从教师那里得到反馈. It's designed to help you take ownership of your educational journey and chart the right career path for you. It will also help you learn how to talk about your college experiences in meaningful ways — and that 如何在面试中发挥作用. 

For example, a student might say in a job interview: "I conducted research at the undergraduate level." 

A Griffin Edge student might say: "The opportunity to conduct my own research alongside expert faculty taught me the importance of being exact in my data collection and analysis. 我甚至能够在我们的年度研究会议上展示我的发现! 我知道这是我的职业."

了解更多有关 Griffin Edge here.

你是否有兴趣从事医疗管理方面的工作, 在一家大公司工作, 或者在市政部门为你的社区服务, your student internship lets you observe the management principles you’ve learned in the classroom at work in the real world. 这就是为什么所有管理专业的学生都需要实习.

GMercyU students have completed internships at regional organizations such as:

  • Cooper Hospital
  • 戴和齐默尔曼公司办公室
  • 特拉华河港务局
  • Janssen Biotech
  • 美国西北相互
  • St. 约瑟夫大学
  • Willow Terrace
  • 威尔明顿蓝岩
  • WKJ Associates

A bachelor's degree in management will prepare you for a number of exciting career paths. Here’s a look at a few possible job opportunities; view a longer list below.


Description: 这些专业人士推荐了提高企业效率的方法, 降低成本,增加收入. 他们可能专攻某一行业. 
学位要求: 管理学学士学位
Average Salary: T在美国,管理分析师的平均工资是1000美元.S. 2022年是95290美元.* 

Description: These professionals create and develop training programs for an organization's staff with the goal of improving efficiency and productivity.
Average Salary在美国,财务经理的工资中位数是多少.S. 2022年是12万美元. *

Description: 这些经理负责公司的人力资源部门, 谁负责招聘和雇用合格的员工. 他们管理工资和福利结构, 执行公司政策, 处理任何人员问题.
学位要求: 学士学位,有些雇主可能要求硕士学位
Average Salary美国人力资源经理的工资中位数是多少.S. 2022年是13万美元.* 

More possible careers for management majors include (but are not limited to): 

  • Bank Manager
  • Benefits Manager
  • 通信官
  • 会议计划
  • 信贷/信贷员
  • 客户服务经理
  • Employee Relations
  • Entrepreneur
  • Executive Manager
  • 金融投资
  • Franchise Manager
  • 医院管理
  • Hotel Manager
  • Human Resources
  • 劳资关系
  • 国际管理
  • Inventory Manager
  • 劳资关系经理
  • 管理分析师
  • 管理顾问
  • 按揭贷款主任
  • Office Manager
  • Operations Manager
  • 薪酬福利经理
  • 人员招聘
  • Plant Manager
  • 生产线经理
  • Professor
  • Property Manager
  • Purchasing Agent
  • 品质保证经理
  • Retail Manager
  • Sales Manager
  • Services Manager
  • 小型企业管理
  • Training Manager
  • 培训专员



At GMercyU, Courtney served as an RA (Resident Assistant) and captain of the basketball team, 他还获得了多项学术荣誉. A critical internship at Cooper University Health Care helped launch his career before moving on to Lockheed Martin. Learn more about 考特尼的经验.

Craig Vinciguerra, 18岁

Craig Vinciguerra, 18岁
现任职位:Mercer Hill社区关系总监
Craig changed his major from education to management between his sophomore and junior year, 但他还是在四年后毕业了, 感谢一位教授根据他的个人经验,帮他规划课程, professional, 以及学术兴趣. 克雷格一直对与老年人一起工作很感兴趣, and now he holds a management-in-training position at an assisted living community. “(在GMercyU),你不只是班里的另一个学生. 你就成了那个部门的一员。. Learn more about 克雷格的经验.

Read more 格里芬的成功故事.

没有什么可以代替你在GMercyU得到的一对一的关注. 大学不仅仅是你上课那么简单. 与教授建立关系的能力非常重要, and all of the professors have real world experience and connections that they are more than willing to share. 


Next Steps

你是否已经在其他机构获得了大学水平的学分? GMercyU使您可以轻松地转移-了解如何在我们的 转移招生 page.

你也可以浏览我们与地区学校的协议 转学分 页面,并查看我们的 转校生保证奖学金.

对GMercyU有问题吗 招生要求? Our Admissions Staff is ready to walk you through the process of applying or transferring to GMercyU’s Management program.

Email: admissions@bilaozu.net
Phone: 215-641-5510

Apply now

At GMercyU, we strive to make a quality education accessible to all through financial aid, scholarships, and grants. 作为一所军事友好型大学, we welcome service members and participate in all VA educational benefits programs. 

Get the education you need to achieve your career goals and become an industry leader! Earn your degree from GMercyU, a strong business management program in the Philadelphia area.

Apply now

除了大学的认证, GMercyU的管理学学士课程通过了认证 国际商业教育认证委员会(IACBE).